Upcoming movies sample app
Upcoming is an application i've put together as a sort of sample app. Both a sample of my work and to try out new ideas. It's not ready for the Market Place but when i feel it is i'll upload it. It uses the Rotten Tomatoes APIs to display a list of Upcoming Movie Releases or Upcoming DVD Releases . You can get the code for the project here; https://github.com/DazzyG/upcoming_dvds Parsing JSON The application uses a simple JSONArrayAdapter to populate the initial list of results, this was primarily done as an experiment but i think it works rather well. The details screen is passed a POJO made by parsing a JSONObject from the Adapter. Libraries I've used the ImageLoader library from Novoda for fetching/displaying the Movie posters in the application. It's a very easy to use library and i'd highly recommend it, the project also uses the RefreshActionItem library . Details The details screen shows how you should layout your content to match t...